The Andropausa is the clinical syndrome caused by the decrease of the testosterone 

The causes of the andropausa are not been identified, but there are some factors that can contribute. 

The first one among these is the hormonal deficit: the Testosterone has the tendency to decrease with the age from the 30 aas. Of around 1% a year. 

The Á.'s classical symtomatology. She understands: 

1) decrease of the desire 

2) less strong erections 

3) worsening of the sporting abilities 

4) depression 

5) loss of weight 

6) drowsiness 

7) reduction of the ability working. 

The factors that contribute to this symtomatology are the same factors of risk of the cardiovascular illness: the hypertension, the hypercolesterolemia, the diabetes, the excessive consumption of alcohol, the inadequate diet, the lack of physical exercise, the age and naturally the smoke of cigarette. 

All the aforesaid factors of vascular risk besides producing alterations in the smooth musculature of the cavernous bodies, cause a progressive decrease of the levels of testosterone 


In the patients' evaluation with erectile dysfunction a simple vascular examination allows to define the level of circulatory damage of the patient: ECHO DOPPLER OF THE CAVERNOUS BODIES. 

Main point to make to notice as the presence of fibrosis during the echographic study  is patognonomico of pathologies type the arterial hypertension e/o the diabetes. 

Besides to underline that in some subjects the erectile dysfunction is often the first symptom of the arteriosclerosis and it can also be associated to a silent "coronaropatia", to a stenosis carotidea, to hypertension and to the diabetes. 


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