This Site is editing by Doctor Pasquale
Carpenito. He has a degree in Medicine and a Specialization
in Andrology and Sexuology. Doctor Carpenito
is registred in the Order fo Physicians of
Province of Avellino - Italy nr. 2911 of the 27th
June 1991.
does Andrology mean?
is a medical specialisetion which deals with sessuality and male
riprodaction function; we can say that it's could be considered, for the
male, that for the female is call gynaecology. In these pages, it
is my intention to cover all the andrological patologies and in
particular the sexual impotence. It is possible apply for a
consultation at which I will reply with a complite medical
report in pdf. format. This site is not supported by advertising
you and have a good reading!!
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